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Past & Present

The Visitation and Aid Society was organized in 1889 at a meeting held at the home of Miss
Mary Bray in Joliet. The founders and original members were Mrs. Nellie Talbot, Mrs. Jacob
Adler, Sr., Mrs. William McDermott, Miss Nellie Lennon, Miss Annie Lennon, Miss Katherine
Gunn, Miss Emma Ulm, and Miss Mary Bray. It was formally incorporated under Illinois law in
October 1952.

Today the Visitation and Aid Society works closely with welfare and charitable organizations in
the Joliet area to provide aid to families and individuals that need financial assistance. In most
cases, this need is the result of an immediate crisis/emergency, and assistance is provided
quickly and confidentially.

Throughout the years the Visitation and Aid Society of Joliet has been supported by the
generosity of its members as well as the Joliet community. V & A supports their philanthropic
efforts from the funds that are raised from an annual fundraising event as well as from the
smaller member events throughout the year. The generous financial support of the community
has allowed the Visitation and Aid Society to serve those in need for more than 135 years. It is a
proud legacy that continues today.

Our Mission

Our Mission

“The object of the Visitation and Aid Society of Joliet shall be the betterment of mankind and the
alleviation of suffering amount the poor, irrespective of class, creed, or color and whenever aid
is given, it is done very quietly and without wounding the pride of self-respect of the recipients.”

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At The Visitation and Aid Society of Joliet, we believe in the inherent potential of every individual to overcome challenges, transform their lives, and contribute to the betterment of society.

Support Our Cause Today!

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